INVITATION TO BID for Stage Sound Monitor and Communication system design of Shanghai Circus World Overhaul Project
1、招 标 条 件Conditions of Tendering
上海马戏城大修工程舞台音响监督内通系统专项设计的招标人为上海马戏城、华东建筑设计研究院 、上海建工四建集团 。项目已具备招标条件,现对上海马戏城大修工程舞台音响监督内通系统专项设计进行公开招标。本项目的
The Tenderee of Stage sound monitor and communication system design of Shanghai Circus World Overhaul Project (hereinafter called “SCWOP”) is Shanghai Circus World, East China Architectural Design Research Institute Co., Ltd and Shanghai Construction No.4(Group) Co., Ltd. Stage sound monitor and communication system design of Shanghai Circus World Overhaul Project satisfies all conditions for tendering and is now opening to public tender. The Tender Agent is Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd..
2、招 标 范 围 Scope of Works
2.1 项目概况 Project Briefings
Shanghai Circus Word is located in Gonghexin Rd Jingan Districe, and covers an area of 22500 square meters with an overall floorage of about 34255 square meters. It is comprised of Circus (Great Theater), Auxiliary building, Commercial building, Animal building, Boiler Room and garge.
Work scope:Great Theater stage sound monitor and communication system design and the design should satisfy the structure condition.
For details please refer to Technical Specifications for Design.
3.投标人资格要求Qualification Requirements of Bidders
3.1 投标人必须为具有独立承担民事责任能力的企业或组织,且具备承担本项目的人员及实力;
Bidders should be enterprises or organizations that are independent of civil liability and have qualified personnels and abilities to undertake the design.
3.2 投标人近5年(2013年1月1日至今)内应具备类似大型舞台音响监督内通系统设计的业绩(须提供业绩证明材料);
Bidders must have finished the similar big stage sound monitor and communication system disigh in 5 years (from Jan 1st 2013 till now with proof materials) .
Design consortium or joint venture is NOT acceptable.
4.招标文件的获取Obtaining Bidding documents
4.1 凡有意参加本项目投标的投标人,请于2018年6月22日至2018年7月5日,上午9:00时至11:30时、下午13:00时至16:00时(北京时间,下同)(法定公休日、节假日除外),持以下资料至招标代理机构进行现场报名(中国上海市延安西路358号14楼):
Interested Bidders can register to obtain Bidding document at the office of Tender Agent at 09:00-11:30 and 13:00-16:00 from 22 June 2018 to 5 July 2018 (Beijing Time) (excluding public holidays) at 14/F, 358 Yan An Road(W), Shanghai 200040, P.R.China.
4.2 招标文件每套售价500元人民币。Each set of Bidding documents is priced at 500 RMB yuan.
5.投标文件的递交Submission of Bids
5.1 投标文件递交的截止时间为2018年7月30日9:30时(北京时间),投标人应于截止时间前将投标文件送交至上海市延安西路358号1901会议室。如派专人送达投标文件,以送达时间为准;如采用邮寄方式,以收件人签收时间为准。
The deadline for the submission of Bids is 9:30 am (Beijing time) on 30 July , 2018. The bidder shall send the Bids to the conference room 1901, No. 358 West Yan'an Road, Shanghai, before the deadline. If a special person delivers a bid document, the time of delivery shall prevail; if the postal method is adopted, the time of receipt by the recipient shall prevail.
5.2 逾期送达或未送达指定地点的投标文件,招标人不予受理。
Any bid submitted late or failing to be delivered to the designated place will be rejected.
This Invitation to Bid is published on // and //.
、上海建工四建集团 The Tenderee: Shangh Circus World, East China Architectural Design Research Institute Co., Ltd and Shanghai Construction No.4(Group) Co., Ltd 地 Address: 2266 Gonghexin Road, Shanghai 邮政编码Postal code:200072
Liaison:Cheng Xi/Zhang Hongyuan
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