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   日期:2020-01-16     来源:中国电力招标采购网    作者:dlztb    浏览:1    
In order to build elaborate bridges for Xiong’an New Area, upgrade its urban space quality, and cultivate Xiong’an city brand, an RFP for Design of Bridges in Xiong'an with Chinese Characteristics in the Context of High Quality is sponsored by the CPC Hebei Xiong'an New Area Working Committee and Hebei Xiong'an New Area Administrative Committee. Eligible design firms are welcome to sign up for the startup area professional group, contributing your wisdom to the high quality development of Xiong’an New Area.
一、 项目背景
I. Project Background
The RFP is to be carried out within three groups: the Startup Area Professional Group, the Rongdong-Zan’gang Area Professional Group and the General Public Group.  The Startup Area Professional Group is targing design firms with certain professional qualifications, to design 39 bridges in the startup area.  The RFP requires a prequalification of applicants first; and only prequalified applicants are eligible as qualified candidates for subsequent RFP stages.
二、 征集范围
II. Work Scope of RFP
The Startup Area Professional Group is divided into two subgroups: A and B.  Subgroup A refers to a series of Chinese waltz bridges on the financial island around the startup area of 21 bridges.  Subgroup B refers to a series of future fantasias in the technological innovation zone in the north of the startup area of 18 bridges.
三、 申请人资格要求
III. Applicant qualification requirements
1. 申请人必须是合法注册的独立法人,或是由合法注册的独立法人组成的项目联合体;
Applicants must be legally registered independent legal entities or a project consortium composed of legally registered independent legal entities;
2. 境内申请人(指在中国境内注册的法人,下同)须具有建筑行业建筑工程专业乙级及以上资质,或者建筑设计事务所甲级及以上资质,或者市政行业桥梁工程专业乙级及以上资质,或者公路行业特大桥梁专业甲级及以上资质证书;
Domestic applicants (referring to legal entities registered in mainland China, similarly hereinafter) must have certificates for Grade B or higher architectural engineering qualification, or Grade A or higher architectural design firm qualification, or Grade B or higher bridge engineering qualification, or Grade A or higher highway industry extra-large scale bridge engineering qualification;
3. 境外申请人(指在中国境外,包括台港澳地区注册的法人,下同)可以单独报名,须在其所在国家或地区合法注册,具有相应建筑工程或者桥梁工程设计许可;如境外申请人在境内已注册子公司,并以子公司名义报名,该子公司视为境外申请人,可不满足第2条境内申请人资质条件,但需要提供其与境外母公司的关系证明;
Overseas applicants (referring to legal entities registered outside mainland China, including those registered in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, similarly hereinafter) may apply separately, but must be legally registered in the country or region where they are located and permitted for architectural engineering or bridge engineering.  If an overseas applicant has registered a subsidiary in mainland China and is going to sign up in the name of such subsidiary, the subsidiary is regarded as an overseas applicant and thus not required to meet the qualification requirements for domestic applicants set in Article 2; however, it shall provide proof of the relationship with its overseas parent company.
4. 本项目接受联合体。联合体的组成以递交的资格预审申请文件为准。联合体各方不得再以自己名义单独参与本次征集活动,也不得同时加入参与本次征集活动的其他联合体,否则,相关申请文件均被否决。
Consortiums are acceptable for this project.  The composition of a consortium shall be subject to prequalification application documents submitted.  once a consortium is formed, no party of the consortium shall participate in the RFP separately in its own name, nor join any other consortium to participate in this RFP, or its application will be rejected.
四、 资格预审文件的获取
IV. Access to prequalification documents
All design firms interested in participating in this RFP are welcome to apply for prequalification and sign up.  There are two ways to sign up:
Way 1: On-site sign-up
1. 请于2020年1月16日至2020年1月23日(双休日除外),每日上午9:00时至11:00时,下午13:00时至16:00时(北京时间,下同),在上海市延安西路358号14楼领取纸质版资格预审文件。
Printed version of prequalification documents are available on the 14th, floor, 358 Yan'an Road (West), Shanghai from 9 am to 11 am and from 1 pm to 4 pm (Beijing time, similarly hereinafter), from January 16th, 2020 to January 23rd, 2020 (excluding weekends).
2. 领取资格预审文件时需提交的资料:
Submittals required obtaining prequalification documents:
① 境内申请人:营业执照(若未完成三证合一手续则须另外提交税务登记证、组织机构代码证)、建筑行业建筑工程专业乙级及以上资质证书,或者建筑设计事务所甲级及以上资质证书,或者市政行业桥梁工程专业乙级及以上资质证书,或者公路行业特大桥梁专业甲级及以上资质证书(复印件加盖公章);
For domestic applicants: Business license (tax registration certificate and organization code certificate must be submitted separately if have not yet completed formalities for integrating three certificates into one), certificates for Grade B or higher architectural engineering qualification, or Grade A or higher architectural design firm qualification, or Grade B or higher bridge engineering qualification, or Grade A or higher highway industry extra-large scale bridge engineering qualification (photocopies stamped with official seal);
② 境外申请人:在其所在国家或地区合法注册的营业执照(复印件加盖公章)、与境外母公司的关系证明(如有)。有其它资质证明的,提供相关复印件加盖公章;
For overseas applicants: Business license indicating legally registered in the country or region where located (photocopies stamped with official seal), proof of relationship with the overseas parent company (if any).  If other qualification certificates are available, please provide photocopies stamped with official seal;
③ 联合体申请人:除提供联合体各成员材料外(具体材料清单详见前述境内申请人及境外申请人材料清单),还需提供联合体协议。
For consortiums: In addition to submittals required for each consortium member (see the list of submittals for the above-mentioned domestic applicants and overseas applicants), a consortium agreement is to be provided.
Power of attorney of legal representative (original);
⑤ 领取人身份证(复印件加盖公章;身份证原件备查)。
Recipient's ID card (photocopy stamped with official seal; original ID card to be verified).
Way 2: Electronic sign-up
请于2020年1月16日至2020年1月23日16:00(以电子邮件到达时间为准,逾期将不予受理),将报名方式一中第2条规定的相关资料扫描件发送至征集代理联系人邮箱(huxinhuan@shabidding.com )进行电子报名。申请人应保证所发送文件内容的真实性和有效性。征集代理将向电子报名资料提交齐全的申请人发出电子版资格预审文件。
For electronic sign-up, please send scanned copies of relevant materials specified in Article 2 of Way 1 to the contact email address of the Employer's Agent (huxinhuan@shabidding.com ) from January 16th, 2020 until January 20th, 2020 4 pm (emails arrived after the deadline will not be accepted).  Applicants shall be responsible for the authenticity and validity of all documents provided.  The Employer's Agent will issue electronic prequalification documents to applicants who submit ALL required electronic sign-up materials.
If any required materials are missing or omitted, the Employer's Agent has the right not to accept the sign-up.  Submittals provided for sign-up shall be consistent with the prequalification application documents.  In case of any discrepancy, the prequalification application documents shall prevail.  An applicant’s qualification for the RFP will be decided by the Prequalification Review Board.五、 资格预审申请文件的递交
V. Submission of prequalification application documents
Prequalification application documents shall be submitted in the following two ways:
Way 1: Submission of paper documents on site
Please submit the printed version of the prequalification application documents to the 14th floor, 358 Yan'an Road (West), Shanghai before 4 pm on January 31st, 2020. Any prequalification application documents of late delivery or non-delivery to the designated place will not be accepted.
Way 2: Electronic submission
Please send the electronic version of the prequalification application documents to the contact email address of the Employer's Agent (huxinhuan@shabidding.com ) before 4 pm on January 31st, 2020 (emails arrived after the deadline will not be accepted).
Applicants are not required to make a choice between Subgroup A and Subgroup B when submitting the prequalification application documents. Applicants' submission of prequalification application documents shall constitute their acceptance of participation in either Subgroup A or Subgroup B. The Subgroup of shortlisted applicants will be decided by the Prequalification Review Board.
六、 入围方式
VI. Shortlisting
once applicants have submitted prequalification application documents, the Prequalification Review Board will conduct a comprehensive review of all applicants and select 5 applicants each for Subgroup A and Subgroup B as shortlisted candidates for the formal RFP .
七、 方案征集费
VII. RFP fee
Subgroup A: 5 candidates shortlisted for the formal RFP will be compensated a fee of CNY1,700,000 (including taxes) each after the review of final design proposals is completed and the proposals are deemed by the Expert Panel as consistent with the requirements of the Design Program.  based on experts' final review, a first prize of CNY800,000 (including taxes) will be awarded, and a second prize of CNY400,000 (including taxes) will be awarded.
Subgroup B: 5 candidates shortlisted for the formal RFP will be compensated a fee of CNY1,500,000 (including taxes) after the review of final design proposals is completed and the proposals are deemed by the Expert Panel as consistent with the requirements of the Design Program.  based on experts' final review, a first prize of CNY800,000 (including taxes) will be awarded, and a second prize of CNY400,000 (including taxes) will be awarded.
八、 知识产权
VIII. Intellectual property rights
The employer of this RFP has the right to use any design proposal for bridge construction within the scope of this RFP.  Candidates are not allowed to use their design proposals for design projects other than this RFP.  If the design proposal is adopted, the applicant may consult with the project employer or the winning local design firm, and sign a design contract or consulting contract to further optimize the design proposal to the required level of detail after the bridge construction project is started.  After the design contract is approved by all parties, the employer or the winning local design firm will pay design fees according to the engineering design fee standard.  Applicants' submission of prequalification application documents shall constitute their acceptance of this intellectual property clause.
九、 征集活动时间安排
IX. RFP schedule
For this project, the formal RFP period will last about 2 months(2020.2-2020.4)
The above is a preliminary schedule.  The Employer will make adjustments as needed and notify all applicants in writing in advance.

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来源:中国电力招标采购网 编辑: shjzx
标签: 高质量背景下中国特色雄安桥梁设计方案征集启动区专业组资格预审公告

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