一、招标条件 本 印尼安汶EPC工程项目机械租赁服务 (招标 二、项目概况和招标范围 项目规模:本期工程建设2×20MW循环流化床燃煤机组 招标内容与范围:本招标项目划分为 1 个标段,本次招标为其中的: 印尼安汶EPC工程项目机械租赁服务: 根据项目需求进行现场机械作业服务,机械类型包括履带吊250t、履带吊50t、轮胎吊35t、轮胎吊20t、平板车25t、叉车3t、装载机5t、自卸吊8t、轮胎吊50t、轮胎吊25t,机械数量以满足甲方施工活动需求为前提,依据施工活动安排进行调整,具体数量以甲方通知为准。 三、投标人资格要求 中资企业Chinese Company: 1、参加投标的单位在近3年内不存在骗取中标、严重违约、重大工程质量问题及因自身的原因而使任何合同被解除的情形; 1.There are no cases of winning the bid by fraud, serious breach of contract, major project quality problems and termination of any contract due to its own reasons in the past three years for Bidders. 2、投标方具备有效的营业执照,具有建设行政主管部门颁发的在有效期内的安全生产许可证; 2.The Bidder has a valid business license and has a safety production license issued by the construction administrative department within the validity period. 3、投标方近三年无重大安全伤亡事故,无重大火灾事故,无重大质量事故等; 3.The Bidder has no major safety casualties in the past three years, no major fire accidents, no major quality accidents, etc. 4、投标方具有良好的银行资信和商业信誉,没有处于被责令停业,财产被接管、冻结,破产状态。 4.The Bidders have good bank credit and business reputation. They are not ordered to close down, property is taken over, frozen, and bankrupt. 5、需在印尼已注册成立机构并满足当地法律要求;在印尼注册的机构已取得包含机械租赁服务营业范围的营业执照,并且可以开具机械租赁服务发票。 5.It is necessary to have an institution registered in Indonesia and meet local legal requirements; the institution registered in Indonesia has obtained a business license that includes the business scope of machinery rental services and can issue invoices for machinery rental services. 印尼当地企业Local Company in Indonesia: 1、投标方具备有效的营业执照,具有当地建设行政主管部门颁发的在有效期内的安全生产许可证。 1.The Bidder has a valid business license and has a local safety production license issued by the construction administrative department within the validity period. 2、投标方近三年无重大安全伤亡事故,无重大火灾事故,无重大质量事故等。 2.The Bidder has no major safety casualties in the past three years, no major fire accidents, no major quality accidents, etc. 3、投标方具有良好的银行资信和商业信誉,没有处于被责令停业,财产被接管、冻结,破产状态。 3.The Bidders have good bank credit and business reputation. They are not ordered to close down, property is taken over, frozen, and bankrupt. 4、需在印尼已注册成立机构并满足当地法律要求;在印尼注册的机构已取得包含机械租赁服务营业范围的营业执照,并且可以开具机械租赁服务发票。 4.It is necessary to have an institution registered in Indonesia and meet local legal requirements; The institution registered in Indonesia has obtained a business license that includes the business scope of machinery rental services and can issue invoices for machinery rental services. 5、需在印尼已注册成立机构并满足当地法律要求 5.Must be registered in Indonesia and meet local legal requirements. 6、优先选择在印尼当地有丰富的机械租赁经验,资信良好的单位。 Priority should be given to units which have rich experience in machinery leasing and have a good reputation in Indonesia. 本项目 不允许 联合体投标。 四、招标文件的获取 获取时间: 2020年03月11日08:30——2020年03月31日08:30 没有在 中国电力招标采购网(www.dlztb.com)上注册会员的单位应先点击注册。登录成功后根据招标公告的相应说明获取招标文件! 联系人:李杨 打赏 更多>同类资讯