沙特Rabigh光伏电站EPC项目桩基及支架安装工程招标公告 Bidding notice for pile foundation and support installation engineering of Rabigh photovoltaic power station EPC project in Saudi Arabia (招标编号(bidding No:GPEC-GC-0212023-011-2020-001) 招标项目所在地区:沙特阿拉伯西部拉比格地区,吉达以北130公里,拉比格以南35公里 Bidding project area: Rabigh area in western Saudi Arabia, 130 km north of Jeddah and 35 km south of Rabigh 一、招标条件Tender conditions 本 沙特Rabigh光伏电站EPC项目桩基及支架安装工程 专业分包(招标 The professional subcontract of pile foundation and support installation engineering of Rabigh photovoltaic power station EPC project in Saudi Arabia (Bidding Project No. GPEC-GC-0212023-011-2020-001) has been approved by the project examine / approval / filing authority, The project fund source is the owner's payment, and the bid inviting party is ? China Energy Construction Group Guangdong Thermal Power Engineering Co., Ltd The project has met the bidding conditions and is now open for bidding. 二、项目概况和招标范围 Project overview and bidding scope 2.1 招标范围:Bidding scope: ① 工程范围:工程设计范围内的全套平单轴跟踪式光伏支架安装,包括但不限于:Scope of work: installation of complete set of flat single axis tracking photovoltaic support within the scope of engineering design, including but not limited to: 1)跟踪系统设备包括但不限于:支架、转动机构(电机、限位开关等)、传感器、信号处理单元、控制单元、执行机构、驱动单元、辅助设备以及相应的电源和通信电缆、风速传感器,以及提供的配套组串式逆变器支架(暂定1875台)以及通讯柜支架。The tracking system equipment includes but is not limited to: bracket, rotating mechanism (motor, limit switch, etc.), sensor, signal processing unit, control unit, actuator, drive unit, auxiliary equipment, corresponding power supply and communication cables, wind speed sensor, as well as supporting series inverter support (tentative 1875 sets) and communication cabinet support. 2)支架安装配套的电缆敷设及连接,包括电机至组串式逆变器或者箱变电源电缆敷设,驱动电机至通讯管理机通讯电缆敷设。电缆、通讯缆采用钢丝裸露敷设或直埋敷设,电缆需采用防紫外线、防水电缆。其中电源电缆及通讯电缆甲供。Cable laying and connection for bracket installation, including power cable laying from motor to series inverter or box transformer, and communication cable laying from drive motor to communication management machine. Cables and communication cables shall be laid with exposed or directly buried steel wires, and cables shall be anti ultraviolet and waterproof. Power cable and communication cable shall be provided by Party A. 3)支架及附属设备与主接地网连接,主接地网预留接地焊接点;平单轴支架立柱、转轴和其它支架部分如有绝缘部件,投标方应用接地线将整个支架部分连成一体。The support and auxiliary equipment are connected with the main grounding grid, and the grounding welding points are reserved for the main grounding grid; If there are insulating parts in the column, rotating shaft and other support parts of the flat single axis support, the bidder shall connect the whole support part with grounding wire. 4)钢桩的施工安装,支架与钢桩基础的连接,支架为组件安装的支撑结构、平单轴跟踪系统自身连接等,属于投标方工程范围。The construction and installation of steel piles, the connection between the support and the steel pile foundation, the support structure for component installation of the support, and the self - connection of the horizontal single axis tracking system, etc. belong to the scope of the bidder. 5)跟踪式支架调试,配合支架厂家及调试单位进行跟踪式支架调试。Track type support debugging, cooperate with support manufacturer and debugging unit for tracking support debugging. 6)试桩根据厂家提供试验钢桩基础,根据试桩点坐标进行试验,主要有水平拉力试验、垂直压力试验、垂直拉拔试验。试桩点坐标数量根据招标方后续实际提供的信息为准。The test pile is based on the steel pile foundation provided by the manufacturer, and the test is conducted according to the coordinates of test pile points, mainly including horizontal tensile test, vertical pressure test and vertical pull-out test. The coordinate number of test pile points shall be subject to the information provided by the bid inviting party. ② 施工水电气接口:施工水电全部由乙方自行负责。Construction water and electricity interface: Party B shall be responsible for all construction water and electricity. ③ 机械供应范围:机械、机工具全部乙方负责。 Scope of machinery supply: Party B shall be responsible for all machinery and tools. ④ 设备材料供应范围:除桩基、支架材料及电缆甲供外,其余材料全部乙供。Supply scope of equipment and materials: except pile foundation, support materials and cables provided by Party A, all other materials shall be supplied by Party B. 2.2 主要工作内容包括但不限于:The main work contents include but are not limited to: 1)本标段范围内钢桩的施工,支架的安装,支架与钢桩的连接,及其附属的电缆敷设等,具体以施工图纸和工程量清单为准;The construction of steel piles, the installation of supports, the connection between supports and steel piles, and the laying of auxiliary cables within the scope of this bid section shall be subject to the construction drawings and bill of quantities; 2)本标段范围内所有的材料(甲供材料的除外)和施工必须的辅助设施、临时设施、施工措施、检验试验均由投标方负责提供或完成;All materials (except materials supplied by Party A) and necessary auxiliary facilities, temporary facilities, construction measures, inspection and test within the scope of this bid section shall be provided or completed by the bidder; 3)桩基础、跟踪式光伏支架及配套设备的现场卸货、场内转运及领用后的保管;pile foundation , On site unloading of tracking photovoltaic support and supporting equipment, On site transfer and storage after receiving; 4)负责施工期间材料定置化堆放、施工成品保护,施工区域文明清理;Be responsible for the fixed stacking of materials, protection of construction finished products and civilized cleaning of construction area during construction; 5)与建筑其他标段施工的相互配合,交叉施工等,服从招标方的现场总体管理;Cooperate with the construction of other bid sections, cross construction etc., and obey the overall site management of the bid inviting party; 6)遵守招标方有关各项内部管理制度,保证施工现场符合招标方安全文明施工和环境保护的有关规定,并承担因自身原因违反有关规定造成的损失和罚款;工程施工过程中和竣工后必须按招标方要求对现场进行清理,如投标方不清拆、不整理,招标方有权委托其他方清理,清理费由投标方负担,在投标方工程款内扣除;Abide by the relevant internal management systems of the bid inviting party, ensure that the construction site conforms to the relevant provisions of the bid inviting party for safe and civilized construction and environmental protection, and bear the losses and fines caused by the violation of the relevant provisions due to its own reasons; during and after the construction of the project, the site must be cleaned up according to the requirements of the bid inviting party. If the bidder fails to clear and tidy up, the bid inviting party has the right to entrust other parties The cleaning fee shall be borne by the bidder and deducted from the project fund of the bidder; 7)开工报告、施工方案、作业指导书、ITP、质量验收计划(表)等技术文件的编制、报审;Preparation and approval of technical documents such as commencement report, construction scheme, operation instruction, ITP, quality acceptance plan (table); 8)施工过程记录、验收资料、技术文件、图纸的收集、整理、编制,归档、移交等;Collection, arrangement, compilation, filing and handover of construction process records, acceptance data, technical documents and drawings; 2.3 计划工期:285天。具体开工日期以开工令为准。planned construction period: 285 days. The specific commencement date shall be subject to the commencement order. 2.4标段划分:1个标段。Section division: 1 bid section. 2.5甲供范围:桩基、支架材料及电缆。Scope of supply by Party A: pile foundation, support materials and cables. 三、投标人资格要求Qualification requirements for bidders 1)资质要求:依法在沙特注册,具有履行合同所必需商务、技术及相关服务等能力;Qualification Requirements: registered in Saudi Arabia in accordance with the law, and have the necessary business, technology and related services to perform the contract; 2)投标方具备有效的营业执照;The bidder has a valid business license; 3)分包商委派的项目经理应具有3年以上从事工程管理的工作经历,且担任过类似专业的项目经理或 4)投标方近三年无重大安全伤亡事故,无重大火灾事故,无重大质量事故等;The bidder has no major safety casualty accident, major fire accident and major quality accident in recent three years; 5)投标方在近5年内不曾在任何合同中违约或被逐或因投标方的原因而使任何合同被解除。The bidder has not breached or been expelled from any contract or terminated any contract due to the reason of the bidder in recent 5 years. 6)投标方具有良好的银行资信和商业信誉,没有处于被责令停业,财产被接管、冻结,破产状态。The bidder has good bank credit and commercial reputation, and is not in the state of being ordered to suspend business, taking over, freezing and bankruptcy. 7)业绩要求:有类似工程业绩,优先选择近三年在沙特有业绩的企业。Performance requirements: enterprises with similar engineering performance will be preferred to those with achievements in Saudi Arabia in recent three years. 8)本项目不允许联合体投标。Consortium bidding is not allowed for this project. 四、招标文件的获取Acquisition of bidding documents 获取时间:暂定2020年8月28日至2020年9月18日,以 发布为准Acquisition time: tentatively from August 28, 2020 to September 18, 2020, subject to the release of China energy construction e-procurement platform 五、投标文件的递交Submission of tender documents 递交截止时间:2020年9月18日之前11时00分(具体递交时间要求以 为准)Deadline for submission: 11:00 before September 18, 2020 (the specific submission time is subject to the e-procurement platform of China Energy Construction Corporation) 递交 六、开标时间及地点Time and place of bid opening 开标时间:2020年9月18日11时00分(投标截止时间与开标时间是否有变化,请密切留意 相关信息)。Time of bid opening: 11:00, September 18, 2020 (please pay close attention to the relevant information of China energy construction e-procurement platform if there is any change between the deadline for bidding and the time for bid opening). 开标方式:线上开标Bid opening method: Online Bid Opening 七、其他公告内容Other announcement contents 标书售价800元人民币;The price of the tender documents is RMB 800; 标书费汇款信息:Tender documents fee remittance information: 单位 银行账户:44001471003050367152 Bank account: 44001471003050367152 汇款时请备注**项目**工程标书费,标书费缴纳凭证作为下载招标文件的必要条件,发标后请上传至 。Please note the tender fee of * * which project, which bid section * * when remittance. The payment voucher of tender fee is the necessary condition for downloading the bidding document. After the bidding documents is issued, please upload it to China energy construction e-procurement platform. 投标保证金:20万元人民币;Bid security: RMB 200000; 投标保证金汇款信息:Remittance information of tender bond: 单位 银行账户:9902000521293332 Bank account: 9902000521293332 汇款时请备注**项目**工程投标保证金。Please note the bid bond of * * which project, which bid section * * when remittance. 投标保证金的退还:原则上中标单位在提交合同履约保函后退还,未中标单位在招标结果审批完1个月内退还。 Return of bid bond: In principle, the bid winner shall return it after submitting the contract performance guarantee, and the unsuccessful bidder shall return it within one month after the approval of bidding results. 投标保证金的形式:银行转账/银行保函。Form of bid security: bank transfer / bank guarantee. 转账的投标保证金应在截止投标日前到达招标方指定的账号。The bid security transferred shall reach the account number designated by the bid inviting party before the deadline for bidding. 3.资格评审方式(资格预审)Qualification evaluation method (prequalification) 资格预审:投标方联系招标人,未入 广东火电的合格供方需按照上述“资格条件要求”提供资格预审申请文件给招标人,资格预审申请文件 招标人组织评审,评审合格的投标方可购买标书,参与投标。Prequalification: the bidder shall contact the bid inviting party, and the qualified suppliers who are not involved in the construction of Guangdong thermal power plant in China Energy Construction Co., Ltd. shall provide the pre -qualification application documents to the bid inviting party in accordance with the above "qualification requirements", and the prequalification application documents shall be sent to the e-mail box of * *.The bid inviting party shall organize the evaluation, and the qualified bidders can purchase the bidding documents and participate in the bidding. 资格预审申请文件截止时间:2020年09月04日(北京时间)。Deadline for prequalification application documents: September 04, 2020 (Beijing time). 八、监督部门Supervision department 本招标项目的监督部门为 纪检监察部 。The supervision department of this bidding project is. Discipline inspection and supervision department 九、 招 标 地 址:广东省广州市黄埔区红荔路2号动力大厦A座7楼Address: 7th floor, block A, power building, No.2 Hongli Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province 联 系 电 没有在 中国电力招标采购网(www.dlztb.com)上注册会员的单位应先点击注册。登录成功后根据招标公告的相应说明获取招标文件! 联系人:李杨 打赏 更多>同类资讯