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   日期:2021-07-07     来源:中国电力招标采购网    作者:dlztb    浏览:1    
核心提示:中化建国际对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2021-07-07在 公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投
中化建国际 对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2021-07-07在 公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况:中化建国际 (以下简称“招标机构”),邀请合格投标人就陆丰12-3油田FPSO项目的下列全新货物和有关服务进行国际公开招标,现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:
序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格备注
原油发电机组 Crude oil engine generator sets 4 单台机组现场功率值:≥5500KW(工作环境11.5℃~45℃) The rated output power of each Crude Oil Engine Generator set is at least 5500kW under work site condition (11.5℃~45℃) 中华人民共和国关境外提供的货物:CIF中国主要港口(候选 中华人民共和国关境内提供的货物:在中标通知书发出后46周内到达招标人指定地点(候选 FPSO上部模块的施工现场确定后,公司将书面通知投标人 。 For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory:CIF main Port of China,such as Tianjin/Qingdao.The supplier shall ship the goods from the main port within 46 weeks after the issuance of the letter of acceptance. For goods offered from within PRC customs territory:Arrive at the place designated by the bid inviting party (candidate place: Tianjin or Qingdao) within 46 weeks after the issuance of the letter of acceptance. After the construction site of the FPSO topside module is /confirm/ied, Company will inform the Bidder in writing.
原油分油机橇Crude oil separator skid 1 单台分油机处理能力4.5m3/h 单台板式换热器容量120kW 分油机和热油板式换热器一用一备 尺寸(m):5.5x2.0x2.5 重量(干重, ton):6 防爆等级/防护防等级: ClassⅠZone 2 GroupⅡA / IP56 The capacity of a crude oil separator is 4.5m3/h. The capacity of a plate heater is 120 kW. Crude oil separator and hot medium plate heater are one running and one standby. Size (m): 5.5x2.0x2.5 Weight (dry weight, ton): 6 Explosion proof grade / protection grade: ClassⅠZone 2 GroupⅡA / IP56
原油增压撬Spec oil booster skid 1 两台带PSV阀电动增压泵,处理能力(单台):7.6 m3/h,一用一备 尺寸(m):2.5x1.5x2.0 重量(干重,ton):1.5 防爆等级/防护防等级: ClassⅠZone 2 GroupⅡA / IP56 Two (2) sets of booster pumps of electric-driven with PSV, capacity (each): 7.6m3/h, one running and one standby. Size (m): 2.5x1.5x2.0 Weight (dry weight, ton): 1.5 Explosion proof grade / protection grade: ClassⅠZone 2 GroupⅡA / IP56
燃油循环橇Fuel oil circulation skids 4 四台电动泵,三用一备 泵入口双联过滤器 采用柴油回油冷却器 处理能力(单台):4.2m3/h 尺寸(m):5.0x2.0x2.5 重量(干重, ton):8 防爆等级/防护防等级: ClassⅠZone 2 GroupⅡA / IP56 Four(4) sets of electric driven pumps, three running and one standby Inlet duplex filters for pumps Application of diesel oil return cooler Capacity (each): 4.2m3/h, Size (m): 5.0x2.0x2.5 Weight (dry weight, ton): 8 Explosion proof grade / protection grade: ClassⅠZone 2 GroupⅡA / IP56
柴油增压撬 Diesel oil booster skid 1 两台电动增压泵,一用一备 燃油供应压力控制阀(PCV) 泵入口双联过滤器 撬块上带电机起动器的本地控制和指示面板 处理能力(单台):12m3/h, 尺寸(m):2.8x2.0x2.2 重量(干重, ton):3 防护等级:IP44 Two (2) sets of booster pumps of electric-driven, one running and one standby Pressure control valves (PCV) for fuel oil supply Inlet duplex filters for pumps Local control and indication panel with motor starters on the skid capacity (each): 12m3/h Size (m): 2.8x2.0x2.2 Weight (dry weight, ton): 3 Protection grade: IP44
燃油过滤橇 Fuel filter skids 4 四台过滤器,过滤器三用一备 双联过滤器 燃油过滤器应加装氮气反冲洗装置 尺寸(m):1.5x1.0x2.0 重量(ton):1 Four(4) sets of fuel filters, three running and one standby Duplex filters Nitrogen backwash device shall be installed for fuel filter Size (m): 1.5x1.0x2.0 Weight (ton): 1
滑油分油机橇 Lube oil separator skids 4 四个滑油分油机橇,三用一备 每个橇可供1台原油发动机使用 尺寸(m):2.5x1.5x2.0 重量(ton):3 防护等级:IP44 Four lube oil separator skids,three running and one standby Each skid can serve 1 crude oil engine Size (m): 2.5x1.5x2.0 Weight (ton): 3 Protection grade: IP44
滑油冷却橇 Lube oil cooler skids 4 滑油冷却器配有排气阀和排放阀 滑油双联过滤器 尺寸(m):2.5x1.5x2.0 重量(ton):3 Lube oil cooler complete with vent and drain valves Lube oil duplex filters Size (m): 2.5x1.5x2.0 Weight (ton): 3
滑油补给泵模块 Lube oil make-up pump skid 1 两台电动补给泵,一用一备 撬块上带电机起动器的本地控制和指示面板 入口双联过滤器 尺寸(m):1.5x1.8x1.5 重量(ton):2 Two (2) sets of electric-driven make-up pumps, one running and one standby Local control and indication panel with motor starters on the skid Inlet duplex filters Size (m): 1.5x1.8x1.5 Weight (ton): 2
润滑油罐 Lube oil tank 1 油罐、管道和阀门材料应为316ss Tank, pipe and valves materials should be 316ss
中央冷却器橇 Central cooler skids 4 4套中央冷却器,三用一备 单机海水需要量:240 m3/h,设计裕量25% 中央冷却器的板式换热器的材质应为钛合金 海水操作温度:进口16.9~29.5℃,出口45℃ 尺寸(m):3.5x2.0x2.2(单台) 重量(ton):5 Four central cooler skids,three running and one standby Single unit seawater demand: 240 m3 / h, design margin: 25% The plate & frame heat exchanger of central cooler shall be made of titanium alloy Operating temperature of seawater: inlet 16.9 ~ 29.5 ℃, outlet 45 ℃ Size (m): 3.5x2.0x2.2 (single set) Weight (ton): 5
膨胀水罐 Expansion tank skids 4 4个膨胀水罐,三用一备 膨胀水罐的材质应为316ss 设计压力:-0.5~2.7 kPaG 尺寸(m):1.5x1.5x1.5 重量(ton):0.3 Four expansion tank skids,three running and one standby The material of expansion tank should be 316ss design pressure:-0.5~2.7 kPaG Size (m): 1.5x1.5x1.5 Weight (ton): 0.3
启动空压机橇 Starting air compressor skid 1 两套电动压缩机,一用一备 两套启动空气罐,一用一备 启动空压机罐的容量应保证为原油主机提供至少六(6)次冷起动 尺寸(m):4.2x3.8x3.5 重量(ton):7.5 Two (2) set of electric motor driven compressors, one running and one standby Two (2) set of starting receivers, one running and one standby The capacity of starting receivers shall ensure at least six (6) cold starts for the crude oil engine generator sets Size (m): 4.2x3.8x3.5 Weight (ton):7.5
Main control panel 4 One (1) main control panel and one local control indication panel for each Crude Oil Engine Generator set Common control panel for all auxiliaries module and bus tie control Alarm and shutdown Supply UPS power Protection grade: IP44 One (1) main control panel and one local control indication panel for each Crude Oil Engine Generator set Common control panel for all auxiliaries module and bus tie control Alarm and shutdown Supply UPS power Protection grade: IP44
Auxiliary equipment common panel 1 One (1) main control panel and one local control indication panel for each Crude Oil Engine Generator set Common control panel for all auxiliaries module and bus tie control Alarm and shutdown Supply UPS power Protection grade: IP44
Local control and indication panel 4 One (1) main control panel and one local control indication panel for each Crude Oil Engine Generator set Common control panel for all auxiliaries module and bus tie control Alarm and shutdown Supply UPS power Protection grade: 项目联 系人:李工 手机:136832 33285 咨询电话:010-51957458 微信:Li13683233285 邮箱:1211306049@qq.com ;IP44


A. 关境内投标人应提供有效的营业执照、组织机构代码证、税务登记证或三证合一营业执照等。关境外投标人应提供有效的独立法人证明。以证明投标人具有独立法人资格。

B. 原油发电机组设备资质:


2) 业绩要求:

a) 投标人所选定的原油发电机组设备(满足在11.5℃~45℃的工作环境下,发电机额定输出功率至少达到5500kw)应从2002年1月1日起至投标截止日(合同签订时间)至少有2台套在海上油气生产设施项目(钻采平台、浮式生产储卸装置、海上移动装置)成功运行至少2年的业绩。

b) 投标人所选定的辅机系统设备(原油分离撬、燃油增压撬、原油循环撬、燃油过滤撬)制造商应从2002年1月1日起至投标截止日(合同签订时间)至少有为2套海上原油发电机组配套过并成功运行2年以上的业绩;

c) 投标人所选定的辅机系统设备(中央冷却撬、滑油补给撬、滑油分离撬、滑油冷却撬、启动空气撬、膨胀罐)制造商应从2002年1月1日起至投标截止日(合同签订时间)至少有为2套海上柴油/原油发电机组配套过并成功运行2年以上的业绩。


3) 质量要求:制造商应提供ISO9001质量管理体系认证证书,且证书在有效期内。

评标结果将在必联网和 公示。

项目 联系人:李杨  
微信:Li13683233285 邮箱:1211306049@qq.com


标签: 陆丰12

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