(8)拟参加本项目的投标人未被列入企业经营异常名录、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信名单,以信用中国官方网站( )查询结果为准,被列入上述名单的投标人不得参加本项目;
(8) Bidders who intend to participate in this project are not included in the list of abnormal business operations of enterprises, the list of parties involved in major tax violations, and the list of serious violations and dishonesty in government procurement. The results of the inquiry on the official website of China ( ) shall prevail. Bidders who are included in the above list shall not be allowed to participate in this project.
(9) Legal persons, other organizations or individuals with an interest in the tenderer who may affect the fairness of the procurement shall not participate in the bidding; the person in charge of the unit shall be the same person or the different units with a controlling or management relationship, and shall not participate in the same tender or the same project tender without dividing the tenders at the same time; and the group company shall not participate in the same tender or the same project tender without dividing the tenders. The parent company and subsidiary company shall not participate in the same tender or the same project tender without dividing the tender at the same time; the subsidiary company with independent legal person of the same company shall not participate in the same tender or the same project tender without dividing the tender at most two (according to the order of registration);
(10)No bidding is allowed without the tender documents.
(11)Joint bids for this project will not be accepted.
- 招标文件的获取
4. Acquisition of Bidding documents
Initiation time of tender documents acquisition: Oct. 14,2021
The closing time of bidding documents: Oct. 21,2021
Price of bidding documents: 500 RMB or 80 US dollars per set, non refundable after sales. (100 yuan for domestic mail order and 20 dollars for foreign mail order)
其他说明:凡在“黑龙江省 注册成功, 注册成功”并有意参加本项目的投标人请于2021年10月14日至2021年10月21日,每日上午08时30分至下午16时30分(法定节假日、公休日除外)到中资国际工程咨询集团 (哈尔滨市南岗区汉水路76-6号)
6. The bid evaluation results will be publicized on China International Bidding website ( /).
7.Contact information
Tenderer:Mishan People's Hospital